

I often get asked this question. Why feet? Don’t you want to do “regular” nursing?

Actually, I’ve done all kinds of nursing mostly in the hospital setting. This year marks my 20 year anniversary of being a nurse. The truth is that the longer I’m a nurse, the more apparent it is to me that a healthy life really is all about the basics. All the pharmaceuticals, surgeries, and scientific testing in the world won’t make up for the lack of daily healthy habits.

A healthy life is about basic habits of having good hygiene, about eating well and avoiding excess, about wearing well-fitting shoes. Health is about about taking care of our skin, getting out in the fresh air, stretching regularly, having a positive attitude, and maintaining nurturing relationships. None of these habits is rocket science. None of these is found in a procedure or a pill.

Don’t misunderstand. I am absolutely grateful for advanced treatments in healthcare. And yet, the older I get, the more I care about helping others with the basics… which brings me back to feet.

Healthy, happy feet are the foundation of mobility. I love spending time with my clients in a setting that is not rushed. I have the opportunity to listen and learn as I get to help in a very real and practical way. For me, helping my clients with this kind of care that is so often overlooked is at the very heart of nursing.